A Group represents a geographical entity (company, shop, office...), sharing a client information database (Client File), having one or more calendars (Calendar), and providing a list of services (Intervention).
GET /api/v1/groups
GET /api/v1/groups/:id
Not available.
PUT /api/v1/groups/:id?apikey=xxxxxx { "group": { "phone": "01 83 62 04 04" } }
Field | Type | Description |
name | string(255) | Name of the company, shop, office... |
preposition | string(255) | Preposition that can be used in a sentence with your company's name (ex: "make an appointment at the Clinic") |
phone | string(20) | Phone number |
fax | string(20) | Fax number |
address | string(255) | Postal address (street) |
city | string(64) | City |
zipcode | string(16) | Zip code |
country | string(255) | Country |
timezone | string(255) | Timezone (see Appendix for the available values). Important The delays set for the sending of reminders (E-mail / SMS) are based on this timezone, aswell as the delays set for the appointment module. |
Field | Type | Description |
sendmail | boolean | When true, indicates that the client accepts to receive E-mails in case of subscription, appointment confirmation, cancellation and modification (default: 1) |
mailreminder | integer | You can send E-mail reminders to your clients automatically before any appointment. This reminder can be set between 1 and 48 hours before the start of the appointment. (value in minutes, example: 240 means 4 hours before the appointment) Important If you don't want to send E-mail reminders, set the value to 0 (default: 0) |
Field | Type | Description |
country_code | string(10) | Default phone prefix for your country (examples: 44 for the UK, 33 for France, 32 for Belgium) |
smsreminder | integer | You can send SMS reminders to your clients automatically before any appointment. This reminder can be set between 1 and 24 hours before the start of the appointment. SMS reminders are scheduled on daytime only (between 9' and 19'). If the sending of the reminder is scheduled outside this range, it will be re-scheduled on the day before the appointment. (value in minutes, example: 240 means 4 hours before the appointment) Important If you don't want to send SMS reminders, set the value to 0 (default: 0) |
sms_sender_name | string(11) | Customize the sender's name when sending SMS reminders, so that your customers can call you back, or to display the name of your company (example: "Eden Spa", or an international phone number on 11 numbers: "+33123456789" |
check_sms | boolean | When true, the « SMS reminder » checkbox is checked by default on new appointments made on the Pro Interface (default: 1) |
check_sms_from_web | boolean | When true, the « SMS reminder » checkbox is checked by default on new appointments made on the appointment module (default: 1) |
Field | Type | Description |
inactive | boolean | When true, indicates that the appointment module for clients is deactivated (default: 0) |
open | boolean | When false, indicates that only clients that are already registred via the Pro Interface (with a valid e-mail address) can make appointments online. (default: 1, which means "open for any client", registred or not) |
openData | boolean | When false, the available timeslots are only visible to clients that are already registred and logged in. (default: 1, which means "visible to anyone"). |
calendarChoice | integer | Specifies the steps in the process of booking an appointment online. The client can book an appointment in the following order:
anyCalendar | boolean | When true, a "No preference" option is available when selecting the calendar (default: 1) |
max_multirdvs | integer | Specifies the maximum number of appointments that can be made in a row (default: 1) |
usercolors | string(255) | String of characters (JSON format) to customize the colors of the appointment module. (example: {"content_bg":"#FDF7E8", "content_text":"#333333", "content_links":"#322A1D", "main_bg":"#F1C48D", "main_text":"#FFFFFF", "page_bg":"#322A1D", "page_text":"#FFFCF7"}) (default: NULL) |
display_intervention_length | boolean | When true, indicates that the duration of services is displayed on the appointment module. |
display_intervention_price | boolean | When true, indicates that the price of services is displayed on the appointment module. |
currency_code | string(3) | Code indicating the preferred currency to display the price of a service (default: "EUR" for euros). Available values: ["CAD" (Canadian dollar ($)), "EUR" (Euro (€)), "XPF" (Franc CFP (FCFP)), "XAF" (Franc CFA (FCFA)), "GBP" (Pound sterling (£)), "CHF" (Swiss franc (CHF)), "USD" (US Dollar ($))] |
validateEmail | boolean | When true, indicates that the E-mail address of the client is verified before she can book appointments online (default: true). |
Example: for the timezone Europe/Paris, you have to save the value Paris in the timezone field of the « Group » object.
MAPPING = { "International Date Line West" => "Pacific/Midway", "Midway Island" => "Pacific/Midway", "Samoa" => "Pacific/Pago_Pago", "Hawaii" => "Pacific/Honolulu", "Alaska" => "America/Juneau", "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" => "America/Los_Angeles", "Tijuana" => "America/Tijuana", "Mountain Time (US & Canada)" => "America/Denver", "Arizona" => "America/Phoenix", "Chihuahua" => "America/Chihuahua", "Mazatlan" => "America/Mazatlan", "Central Time (US & Canada)" => "America/Chicago", "Saskatchewan" => "America/Regina", "Guadalajara" => "America/Mexico_City", "Mexico City" => "America/Mexico_City", "Monterrey" => "America/Monterrey", "Central America" => "America/Guatemala", "Eastern Time (US & Canada)" => "America/New_York", "Indiana (East)" => "America/Indiana/Indianapolis", "Bogota" => "America/Bogota", "Lima" => "America/Lima", "Quito" => "America/Lima", "Atlantic Time (Canada)" => "America/Halifax", "Caracas" => "America/Caracas", "La Paz" => "America/La_Paz", "Santiago" => "America/Santiago", "Newfoundland" => "America/St_Johns", "Brasilia" => "America/Sao_Paulo", "Buenos Aires" => "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "Georgetown" => "America/Guyana", "Greenland" => "America/Godthab", "Mid-Atlantic" => "Atlantic/South_Georgia", "Azores" => "Atlantic/Azores", "Cape Verde Is." => "Atlantic/Cape_Verde", "Dublin" => "Europe/Dublin", "Edinburgh" => "Europe/London", "Lisbon" => "Europe/Lisbon", "London" => "Europe/London", "Casablanca" => "Africa/Casablanca", "Monrovia" => "Africa/Monrovia", "UTC" => "Etc/UTC", "Belgrade" => "Europe/Belgrade", "Bratislava" => "Europe/Bratislava", "Budapest" => "Europe/Budapest", "Ljubljana" => "Europe/Ljubljana", "Prague" => "Europe/Prague", "Sarajevo" => "Europe/Sarajevo", "Skopje" => "Europe/Skopje", "Warsaw" => "Europe/Warsaw", "Zagreb" => "Europe/Zagreb", "Brussels" => "Europe/Brussels", "Copenhagen" => "Europe/Copenhagen", "Madrid" => "Europe/Madrid", "Paris" => "Europe/Paris", "Amsterdam" => "Europe/Amsterdam", "Berlin" => "Europe/Berlin", "Bern" => "Europe/Berlin", "Rome" => "Europe/Rome", "Stockholm" => "Europe/Stockholm", "Vienna" => "Europe/Vienna", "West Central Africa" => "Africa/Algiers", "Bucharest" => "Europe/Bucharest", "Cairo" => "Africa/Cairo", "Helsinki" => "Europe/Helsinki", "Kyev" => "Europe/Kiev", "Riga" => "Europe/Riga", "Sofia" => "Europe/Sofia", "Tallinn" => "Europe/Tallinn", "Vilnius" => "Europe/Vilnius", "Athens" => "Europe/Athens", "Istanbul" => "Europe/Istanbul", "Minsk" => "Europe/Minsk", "Jerusalem" => "Asia/Jerusalem", "Harare" => "Africa/Harare", "Pretoria" => "Africa/Johannesburg", "Moscow" => "Europe/Moscow", "St. Petersburg" => "Europe/Moscow", "Volgograd" => "Europe/Moscow", "Kuwait" => "Asia/Kuwait", "Riyadh" => "Asia/Riyadh", "Nairobi" => "Africa/Nairobi", "Baghdad" => "Asia/Baghdad", "Tehran" => "Asia/Tehran", "Abu Dhabi" => "Asia/Muscat", "Muscat" => "Asia/Muscat", "Baku" => "Asia/Baku", "Tbilisi" => "Asia/Tbilisi", "Yerevan" => "Asia/Yerevan", "Kabul" => "Asia/Kabul", "Ekaterinburg" => "Asia/Yekaterinburg", "Islamabad" => "Asia/Karachi", "Karachi" => "Asia/Karachi", "Tashkent" => "Asia/Tashkent", "Chennai" => "Asia/Kolkata", "Kolkata" => "Asia/Kolkata", "Mumbai" => "Asia/Kolkata", "New Delhi" => "Asia/Kolkata", "Kathmandu" => "Asia/Katmandu", "Astana" => "Asia/Dhaka", "Dhaka" => "Asia/Dhaka", "Sri Jayawardenepura" => "Asia/Colombo", "Almaty" => "Asia/Almaty", "Novosibirsk" => "Asia/Novosibirsk", "Rangoon" => "Asia/Rangoon", "Bangkok" => "Asia/Bangkok", "Hanoi" => "Asia/Bangkok", "Jakarta" => "Asia/Jakarta", "Krasnoyarsk" => "Asia/Krasnoyarsk", "Beijing" => "Asia/Shanghai", "Chongqing" => "Asia/Chongqing", "Hong Kong" => "Asia/Hong_Kong", "Urumqi" => "Asia/Urumqi", "Kuala Lumpur" => "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "Singapore" => "Asia/Singapore", "Taipei" => "Asia/Taipei", "Perth" => "Australia/Perth", "Irkutsk" => "Asia/Irkutsk", "Ulaan Bataar" => "Asia/Ulaanbaatar", "Seoul" => "Asia/Seoul", "Osaka" => "Asia/Tokyo", "Sapporo" => "Asia/Tokyo", "Tokyo" => "Asia/Tokyo", "Yakutsk" => "Asia/Yakutsk", "Darwin" => "Australia/Darwin", "Adelaide" => "Australia/Adelaide", "Canberra" => "Australia/Melbourne", "Melbourne" => "Australia/Melbourne", "Sydney" => "Australia/Sydney", "Brisbane" => "Australia/Brisbane", "Hobart" => "Australia/Hobart", "Vladivostok" => "Asia/Vladivostok", "Guam" => "Pacific/Guam", "Port Moresby" => "Pacific/Port_Moresby", "Magadan" => "Asia/Magadan", "Solomon Is." => "Asia/Magadan", "New Caledonia" => "Pacific/Noumea", "Fiji" => "Pacific/Fiji", "Kamchatka" => "Asia/Kamchatka", "Marshall Is." => "Pacific/Majuro", "Auckland" => "Pacific/Auckland", "Wellington" => "Pacific/Auckland", "Nuku'alofa" => "Pacific/Tongatapu" }