Client File API

A « Fiche » object represents a client record, created alongside with an appointment made on the Pro Interface or the appointment module.

In mode Account, all records (deleted or not) are returned.
Deleted records will have a "$" at the beginning of "lastname".

Retrieve all the fiches of a group

GET /api/v1/groups/:group_id/fiches

Retrieve a single fiche

GET /api/v1/groups/:group_id/fiches/:id

Create a fiche

POST /api/v1/groups/:group_id/fiches?apikey=xxxxxx
  "fiche": {
    "group_id": 4,
    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "Doe",
    "firstphone": "773-338-1234"

Update a fiche

PUT /api/v1/groups/:group_id/fiches/:id?apikey=xxxxxx
  "fiche": {
     "secondphone": "773-338-1234",
     "str0": "Lorem ipsum"

Delete a fiche

Not available yet.


Field Type Description
group_id integer Group identifier
lastname string(64) Last name
firstname string(64) First name
firstphone string(25) First phone number
secondphone string(25) Second phone number
email string(255) E-mail address
birthdate datetime Birthdate
comments text Comments about this client (not visible by the client on the appointment module)
from_web boolean When true, indicates that the record has been created from the appointment module (from web)
rappel_email boolean When true, indicates that the client accepts to receive reminders via E-mail (the clients can opt-in / opt-out from the appointment module) (default: 1)
rappel_sms boolean When true, indicates that the client accepts to receive reminders via SMS (the clients can opt-in / opt-out from the appointment module) (default: 1)
externid integer Extern identifier (useful to synchronize customers data)
deleted boolean When true, indicates that the client record is deleted (default: 0 = "not deleted")

Customized fields

See page : Customfields API